Both Glitter Paste and Crystal Paste are very fun and very similar products. Let's have a look at what makes them different and how to use them!
Glitter Paste:
A water – based transparent paste that contains glitter. It’s available in Glow in the Dark, and comes in fine or medium grain sizes and in a variety of colors. It can be applied with a palette knife or a brush.
Glitter Colors:
Fine Copper
Fine Rainbow
Fine Iridescent
Fine Light Blue
Fine Green
Fine Lilac
Fine Dark Blue
Fine Silver
Fine Gold
Medium Copper
Medium Gold
Medium Silver
Glow Glitter Paste is suitable on any surface. The silver becomes blue, and the gold turns green in the dark. The rainbow is available in both versions.
Glow in the Dark colors:
Rainbow Green
Rainbow Blue
Glitter Paste takes longer to dry because it’s thicker than Crystal Paste.
Crystal Paste:
A water- based paste that contains fine glitter, which creates a colorful, shiny, silvery sparkling design. The gel that contains the glitter dries transparent, leaving the glitter to sparkle on a dried surface. Crystal Paste is available in both a container and pen form and also comes in four colors. It goes great on both light and dark backgrounds.
Fact: Crystal Paste is subtle in color, while Glitter Paste is heavier.
Crystal Paste is best paired with Ice Crystal, Snow Crystal, and Snow Paste.
Crystal Paste can also be used a little bit like varnish, applied with a brush and the wipe back method can be used as well. But Glitter Paste can’t be done the same as it doesn’t spread thin.
Using Crystal Paste over paper crafts and Vellum will not warp the surface.
To learn more about these products watch our live demonstration here: