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Snow, Ice and Rainbow Pastes - Pentart 101 - Episode 4


Pentart Ice Crystal paste, Ice Effect Paste, Snow paste, Snow Crystal paste, Rainbow paste.

There are several fun novelty pastes in the Pentart lineup that are perfect for winter and magical projects. snow paste, snow crystal paste, ice crystal paste, ice effect paste and rainbow paste. All pastes are water based and dry to various levels of opacity.

Snow paste is a fluffy, white paste that simulates the effect of fallen snow. I like to use snow paste in mixed media projects on windowsills, rooftops, tree branches or other areas where snow will fall softly.

Snow crystal paste dries white also with a touch of transparency. There is a soft glint of sparkle or fine white glitter to simulate snow that has started to ice over, but hasn't quite turned to ice yet.

Ice crystal paste dries completely transparent with fine silver / white glitter to simulate ice crystals.

Ice effect paste dries somewhat milky white and the glitter is more chunky than Ice crystal paste, with holographic sparkly flakes flakes.

Rainbow paste has the most glitter content, dries clear and also has sparkly holographic flakes. This will appear different on a light colored background vs. a dark background.

If you missed Episode 4, you can watch the replay here:

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